CLU3M Understanding Canadian Law

Course Code: CLU3M

Course Type: University Preparation 

Preparation Format: Online / In Class 

Prerequisite: Canadian History since World War I, Grade 10, Academic or Applied


Course Description For CLU3M Understanding Canadian Law 


Course Description :-

The course Understanding Canadian Law CLU3M is a University/College Preparation course that explores legal issues that directly affect students’ lives. To develop an appreciation of the Canadian legal system, students examine the historical roots of Canadian law and expand on their understanding of the role of government in making laws. Students also become familiar with the rights and freedoms that all Canadians enjoy as a result of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Students acquire a practical knowledge of Canada’s legal system, both criminal and civil, and learn how to analyze legal issues. They are given opportunities to develop informed opinions on legal issues and to defend those opinions and communicate legal knowledge in a variety of ways and settings, including legal research projects, and mock trials and debates. This course provides students with an opportunity to explore, analyze, and reflect on the study of law through diverse teaching and learning strategies. Students have multiple opportunities to hone their skills in communication through formal presentations, role playing, writing in role, and persuasive writing. Critical thinking skills such as formulating a thesis, identifying bias and viewpoint, debating, analyzing primary sources, and problem-solving are central to many activities. Focused inquiry, data analysis, note-taking and guided Internet searches are examples of the research skills that students practice. Co-operative group learning is another important active learning strategy fundamental to many activities.


Frequently Ask Question

ENG4U is a Grade 12 English high school course at a University preparation level. ENG4U is a required prerequisite course for all university programs.
4U refers to the Grade level of the courses and the pathway. 4 means it is a grade 12 course and U means it is a university preparation course.
At CanSTEM Education Private School you can complete an online highschool credit courses as quickly as 4 weeks, or take as long as 12 months.
Prerequisite: English, Grade 11, University Preparation
Yes, we can send the marks for your online courses directly to OUAC, OCAS, your home, and to your day school.