CGD3M Grade 11 Regional Geography University/College Preparation

Course Code: CGD3M

Course Type: University / College Prepration

Preparation Format: Online / In Class School Course

Prerequisite: Issues in Canadian Geography, Grade 9, Academic or Applied


Course Description For CGC1D Issues in Canadian Geography, Grade 9, Academic


Course Description :-

This course explores interrelationships between the land and people in a selected region as well as interconnections between this region and the rest of the world. Students will explore the region’s environmental, socio-economic, and cultural characteristics and will investigate issues related to natural resources, economic development and sustainability, population change, globalization, and quality of life. Students will apply the concepts of geographic thinking and the geographic inquiry process, including spatial technologies, to investigate a range of geographic issues in the region.

Note: This course is developed and delivered with a focus, to be determined by the school, on the geography of a selected region or country of the world.


Frequently Ask Question

ENG4U is a Grade 12 English high school course at a University preparation level. ENG4U is a required prerequisite course for all university programs.
4U refers to the Grade level of the courses and the pathway. 4 means it is a grade 12 course and U means it is a university preparation course.
At CanSTEM Education Private School you can complete an online highschool credit courses as quickly as 4 weeks, or take as long as 12 months.
Prerequisite: English, Grade 11, University Preparation
Yes, we can send the marks for your online courses directly to OUAC, OCAS, your home, and to your day school.