ADA3O Grade 11 Drama Open

Course Code: ADA3O
Course Type: University/College
Preparation Format: Online / In class 
Prerequisite: Grade 10 Dramatic Arts


Course Description For ADA3O Drama, Grade 11, Open 


Course Description/rationale :-

This course requires students to engage in dramatic processes and the presentation of dramatic works, and emphasizes the application of drama skills in other contexts and opportunities. Students will interpret and present works in a variety of dramatic forms, create and script original works, and critically analyse the processes involved in producing drama works. Students will develop a variety of skills related to collaboration and the presentation of drama works.


Frequently Ask Question

ENG4U is a Grade 12 English high school course at a University preparation level. ENG4U is a required prerequisite course for all university programs.
4U refers to the Grade level of the courses and the pathway. 4 means it is a grade 12 course and U means it is a university preparation course.
At CanSTEM Education Private School you can complete an online highschool credit courses as quickly as 4 weeks, or take as long as 12 months.
Prerequisite: English, Grade 11, University Preparation
Yes, we can send the marks for your online courses directly to OUAC, OCAS, your home, and to your day school.